Privacy Policy

Anna Kristel Pungartnik and &mood respect the privacy of its users. Your identity, information, and other personal data will be kept in the strictest confidence to the extent possible given the structure of your purchase of a course, program, membership, session, or other product or service. The terms and conditions of the  Privacy Policy (below), are incorporated herein by reference.

Disclosures to Third Parties Not Protected

Any protection afforded by law in your benefit and against &mood. such as HIPAA compliance requirements for therapy patients, is not and cannot be extended to any third parties, including but not limited to group therapy participants, in person or in online forums such as Facebook® groups organized by the Company. Therefore, your voluntary participation in forums, including those created by the Company, that indirectly result in the publication of your personal information, including your name, likeness, and psychological issues, are by virtue of your use of these forums, you demonstrate both an express understanding of the inherent risks and permanently release the Company and Anna Kristel Pungartnik from any liability for such disclosure.


Payments for products and services from the Company are made through third party resources, including PayPal, Paypro and directly through merchants for online courses and programs. The Company cannot be held liable for any breach of security or protocol by these third-party entities, and in using them, you agree that if you are damaged in some way as a result of their behavior, that you will pursue only the party that is directly involved in a breach of your information, and will hold the Company and Anna Kristel Pungartnik harmless in such matters.

Testimonial page

If you voluntarily choose to share your personal story on the testimonial page, any identifying information that you do provide will be publicly posted and you would irrevocably absolve the Company and Roos van Monsjou  from any liability for your own public disclosure on that forum. Should you decide after the fact that you were mistaken in posting your personal information publicly, you may contact with a request to remove the testimonial. The removal will be effected within a commercially reasonable period of time, but under no circumstances longer than 7 days.

Termination of Usage

We may suspend or terminate any user’s access to all or any part of the website including any account thereon, without notice, for any reason in our sole discretion.


These Terms of Use, including all documents referenced herein, represent the entire understanding between you and &mood. regarding your relationship with and &mood, and supersedes any prior statements or representations. When visiting the website or making a purchase therefrom, YOU AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THESE TERMS OF USE.